Information and communication technology is a very broad and changing subject. Extensive development and research is constantly being done in this regard. As a result, keeping pace with this continuum of evolution is indeed a difficult task. The countries of the developed world are achieving unprecedented progress and success in the political, economic, military and other fields by exploiting this huge potential of digital technology. Information is one of the keys to tackling the challenges of the 21st century.
The pace of development can be accelerated by using the right information at the right time. The more efficiently one can collect, store, use and manage information, the faster one can reach the pinnacle of development. There is no substitute for information and communication technology and the Internet to take a developing country to Qatar in a very short period of time
- Redoan Ahammed
Book Name : Interneter Digital Shortcut
Book Name Bangla : ইন্টারনেটের ডিজিটাল সর্টকার্ট
Author : Redoan Ahammed
Published : 15 - Octobar - 2021
Category : Tech Tutorial
Book Language : Bangla
Page : 76
Book Format : docx